Hello beautiful humans! I'm Christine Angrove, a CAPPA certified Postpartum and Labour Doula. Doulas are amazing labour support. I highly recommend one for your labour. But did you know that doula labour support is based on some really simple principles? Incorporate Doula skills into your labour - whether you hire one or not! So this post is for all the birth partners out there - I believe in you, and you can do this!
Here are the Doula's most important pieces of labour support equipment: Heart and Hands. Let's dive in!
You have the safest heart and hands!
Hey birth partners!!! I know it's scary to feel like you're expected to know how to help your partner in labour. But you already have the best pieces of equipment in the whole world to support your love's labour. You have a heart that loves them, and hands that they feel safe in.
The best labour support is wholistic
I'm not discounting your mind. I teach prenatal education, and learning about birth is essential! But your brain preparation is the background, the foundation. It's involving your body and emotions that will make you feel confident, and really help your partner. Using your heart and hands will make you feel confident instead of helpless. Powerful instead of afraid. You are the most important person in the world to support your loved one's labour! Even if you also hire a doula (which I highly recommend), you are still the most important support. A good doula will bring you together, using the power of your love to help the labour.
"A woman in labor needs you when she needs you." – Penny Simkin
You have a heart
Love. You love your birth partner! Be vulnerable and let your love shine. Bring your calm, loving, supportive presence. You don't have to have some sort of wonderful wise words, or a fantastic plan to make things better. If you don't know what to say, say "I love you!" "You are incredible!" "I am so proud of you!" "I'm right here."
You have hands
Your hands are how your heart will shine the most! Hands are for massage, rhythmically joining the contraction, wiping a brow with a cool cloth, tenderly touching, offering a drink, showing that you are there. You are not going anywhere. You are there. You might not always touch the right way - follow any feedback you get! When a person is in labour it is hard to communicate, so, if it sounds angry it's not you, it's the labour! Follow the feedback and find a way to touch that feels safe. Your touch is one of the most important ways you will help the labour to progress. Yup, just your hands. That's all you need!
Using your heart and hands
When you get to the hospital, it's going to feel out of control. You're both going to feel a bit unsafe at first. Set about making the space your own. Use your heart and hands! Express your love. Give hugs and kisses. Make the space cozy with lighting, warmth, music, a beverage, a birth ball. These simple things will relax you both, and that will help the labour immensely! Stay close, and keep using the super powers of your heart and hands!
Believe in your heart and hands!
Look at your hands. Turn them over. They have super powers to help your love to labour! Put one of them on your heart. Feel the love. Now keep practicing expressing your love, and touching your love in ways they find relaxing. Your love is the most powerful thing in the world!
Learn more about the power of using your whole self - mind, body, and emotions - as you labour together.
I'm here for you with wholistic prenatal education. An e-course and book are coming soon!
With Love,